ROBOT Report - mfoem

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Row Level Rule Name Subject Property Value
0 ERROR duplicate_label MFOEM:000013 rdfs:label Wut@de
1 ERROR duplicate_label MFOEM:000014 rdfs:label Wut@de
2 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000012 rdfs:label Verärgerung@de
3 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000012 rdfs:label annoyance
4 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000012 rdfs:label la gêne@fr
5 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000013 rdfs:label Wut@de
6 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000013 rdfs:label fureur@fr
7 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000013 rdfs:label fury
8 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000014 rdfs:label Wut@de
9 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000014 rdfs:label rage
10 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000014 rdfs:label rage@fr
11 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000016 rdfs:label Trauer@de
12 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000016 rdfs:label deuil@fr
13 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000016 rdfs:label grief
14 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000027 rdfs:label Terror@de
15 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000027 rdfs:label la terreur@fr
16 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000027 rdfs:label terror
17 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000043 rdfs:label Gelassenheit@de
18 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000043 rdfs:label serenity
19 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000043 rdfs:label sérénité@fr
20 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000044 rdfs:label Spaß@de
21 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000044 rdfs:label amusement
22 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000044 rdfs:label divertissement@fr
23 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000045 rdfs:label Hochgefühl@de
24 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000045 rdfs:label elation
25 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000045 rdfs:label elation@fr
26 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000046 rdfs:label Euphorie@de
27 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000046 rdfs:label euphoria
28 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000046 rdfs:label l'euphorie@fr
29 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000054 rdfs:label Verlegenheit@de
30 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000054 rdfs:label embarrassment
31 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000054 rdfs:label l'embarras@fr
32 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000164 rdfs:label Panik@de
33 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000164 rdfs:label panic
34 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000164 rdfs:label panique@fr
35 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000166 rdfs:label Langeweile@de
36 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000166 rdfs:label boredom
37 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000166 rdfs:label l'ennui@fr
38 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000167 rdfs:label curieux@fr
39 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000167 rdfs:label curiosity@en
40 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000167 rdfs:label neugierig@de
41 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000168 rdfs:label betreffen@de
42 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000168 rdfs:label concern@en
43 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000168 rdfs:label concernent@fr
44 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000170 rdfs:label dubious@en
45 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000170 rdfs:label zweifelhaft@de
46 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000171 rdfs:label Sorgen@de
47 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000171 rdfs:label s'inquiéter@fr
48 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000171 rdfs:label worry
49 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000173 rdfs:label Verwirrung@de
50 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000173 rdfs:label confusion@en
51 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000173 rdfs:label confusion@fr
52 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000175 rdfs:label Erwartung@de
53 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000175 rdfs:label anticipation@fr
54 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000175 rdfs:label expectant@en
55 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000177 rdfs:label Hoffnung@de
56 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000177 rdfs:label espoir@fr
57 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000177 rdfs:label hope@en
58 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000178 rdfs:label Inspiration@de
59 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000178 rdfs:label inspiration@fr
60 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000178 rdfs:label inspiration (emotion)@en
61 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000200 rdfs:label Begeisterung@de
62 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000200 rdfs:label enthousiasme@fr
63 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000200 rdfs:label enthusiasm@en
64 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000218 rdfs:label Genuss@de
65 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000218 rdfs:label enjoyment
66 ERROR multiple_labels MFOEM:000218 rdfs:label jouissance@fr
67 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000009 IAO:0000115 Anger is a negative emotion, characterised by feelings of unpleasantness and high arousal, in the form of antagonistic feelings and action tendencies. [Source: OCEAS]
68 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000062 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event occurred suddenly.
69 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000063 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event did not occur suddenly.
70 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000064 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an object or event is familiar.
71 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000065 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an object or event is not familiar.
72 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000066 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event was easy to predict.
73 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000067 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event was not easy to predict.
74 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000068 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event was expected.
75 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000073 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that the event or object is important to the person's goals or needs.
76 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000074 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that the event or object is not important to the person's goals or needs.
77 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000077 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event was caused by chance.
78 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000083 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event was deliberately (intentionally) caused.
79 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000086 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that the expected consequences of an event are desirable.
80 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000087 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that the expected consequences of an event are undesirable.
81 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000089 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event requires an urgent (immediate) response.
82 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000090 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event does not require an urgent response.
83 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000092 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents a judgement that the expected consequences of an event are in principle avoidable or modfiable.
84 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000093 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents a judgement that the expected consequences of an event will be difficult to avoid or modify.
85 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000096 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents a judgement that an event is inconsistent with a person's standards or ideals.
86 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000099 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents a judgement that a person is not at the centre of the surrounding social attention.
87 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000101 IAO:0000115 An appraisal which represents an evaluation that the person was treated justly by another person.
88 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000102 IAO:0000115 An appraisal that represents an evaluation that the person was treated unjustly by another person. (Injustice.)
89 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000125 IAO:0000115 A behavioural process that involves a change in the expression of the face.
90 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000126 IAO:0000115 A facial expression behaviour in which the person smiles.
91 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000128 IAO:0000115 A facial expression behaviour in which the lips are tightly pressed together.
92 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000129 IAO:0000115 A facial expression behaviour in which the eyebrows are raised.
93 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000130 IAO:0000115 A facial expression behaviour in which the person frowns.
94 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000131 IAO:0000115 A facial expression behaviour in which the eyes are closed.
95 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000132 IAO:0000115 A facial expression behaviour in which the eyes are opened widely.
96 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000133 IAO:0000115 A facial expression behaviour which appears very neutral (showing no expression).
97 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000137 IAO:0000115 A bodily movement behaviour which involves moving, or leaning, away from people (avoidance).
98 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000138 IAO:0000115 A bodily movement behaviour which involves remaining still.
99 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000153 IAO:0000115 Speaking with a voice louder than usual.
100 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000155 IAO:0000115 Speaking with a voice that is hesitant or trembling.
101 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000157 IAO:0000115 Remaining silent, not producing spoken utterances.
102 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000159 IAO:0000115 Speaking behaviour in which a long utterance is produced.
103 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000160 IAO:0000115 Speaking with an altered rhythm or melody of speech relative to the norm for that person.
104 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000161 IAO:0000115 Speaking in a manner which is disturbed relative to what is the norm for that person.
105 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000163 IAO:0000115 Speaking in a manner that is slower than the norm for that person.
106 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000164 IAO:0000115 A severe episode of fear with strong associated discomfort and thoughts of impending harm.
107 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000172 IAO:0000115 The canonical facial expression associated with the experience of anger.
108 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000174 IAO:0000115 Characteristic facial expressions that are made when a person is undergoing a so-called \"basic\" emotions. These are canonical, that is, individual facial expressions when undergoing emotions can vary or not change at all. However, research indicates evidence for the existence of characteristic canonical facial expressions that are displayed when experiencing certain emotions even across cultures.
109 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000176 IAO:0000115 The canonical facial expression associated with the experience of fear.
110 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000179 IAO:0000115 A complex emotion that consists of the experience of pleasure as caused by the misfortune of others.
111 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000180 IAO:0000115 The canonical facial expression associated with the experience of happiness.
112 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000181 IAO:0000115 The canonical facial expression associated with the experience of disgust.
113 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000182 IAO:0000115 The canonical facial expression associated with the experience of sadness.
114 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000183 IAO:0000115 The vocal utterances associated with the characteristic sound of an emotion. Obviously, any particular emotional instance may be associated with a great variety of different types of voice utterances or no voice utterances at all. However, \"canonical\" or characteristic voice utterances can be associated with core emotions.
115 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000186 IAO:0000115 Voice utterances characteristically associated with the experience of disgust.
116 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000190 IAO:0000115 Characteristic facial expression made when a person is undergoing an experience of surprise.
117 WARN annotation_whitespace MFOEM:000204 IAO:0000115 An emotional personality trait is a personality trait, a part of an overall personality, which predisposes the individual to repeated occurrences of a characteristic emotional process.
118 WARN duplicate_label_synonym MFOEM:000218 IAO:0000118 enjoyment
119 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000008 IAO:0000115
120 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000010 IAO:0000115
121 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000039 IAO:0000115
122 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000054 IAO:0000115
123 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000115 IAO:0000115
124 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000117 IAO:0000115
125 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000120 IAO:0000115
126 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000122 IAO:0000115
127 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000123 IAO:0000115
128 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000134 IAO:0000115
129 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000139 IAO:0000115
130 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000140 IAO:0000115
131 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000141 IAO:0000115
132 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000142 IAO:0000115
133 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000143 IAO:0000115
134 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000144 IAO:0000115
135 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000145 IAO:0000115
136 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000146 IAO:0000115
137 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000147 IAO:0000115
138 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000148 IAO:0000115
139 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000149 IAO:0000115
140 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000150 IAO:0000115
141 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000151 IAO:0000115
142 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000152 IAO:0000115
143 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000165 IAO:0000115
144 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000213 IAO:0000115
145 WARN missing_definition MFOEM:000215 IAO:0000115
146 INFO lowercase_definition MFOEM:000113 IAO:0000115