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Row Level Rule Name Subject Property Value
0 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002325 IAO:0000118
1 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002340 IAO:0000118
2 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002324 IAO:0000118
3 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002339 IAO:0000118
4 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002322 IAO:0000118
5 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002338 IAO:0000118
6 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002321 IAO:0000118
7 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002337 IAO:0000118
8 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002319 IAO:0000118
9 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002336 IAO:0000118
10 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002318 IAO:0000118
11 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002333 IAO:0000118
12 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002683 IAO:0000118
13 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002727 IAO:0000118
14 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002270 IAO:0000118
15 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002279 IAO:0000118
16 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0003663 IAO:0000118
17 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0003664 IAO:0000118
18 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002792 IAO:0000118
19 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002796 IAO:0000118
20 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002209 IAO:0000118
21 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002223 IAO:0000118
22 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002208 IAO:0000118
23 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002222 IAO:0000118
24 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002207 IAO:0000118
25 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002221 IAO:0000118
26 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002206 IAO:0000118
27 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0002220 IAO:0000118
28 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0000521 IAO:0000118
29 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0000637 IAO:0000118
30 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0000787 IAO:0000118
31 WARN duplicate_exact_synonym OBI:0000805 IAO:0000118
32 WARN duplicate_label_synonym OBI:0000485 IAO:0000118 chromatography instrument
33 WARN duplicate_label_synonym OBI:0000566 IAO:0000118 NMR instrument
34 WARN duplicate_label_synonym OBI:0002163 IAO:0000118 DNAse footprinting assay
35 WARN duplicate_label_synonym OBI:0002809 IAO:0000118 surgical N95 respirator
36 WARN duplicate_label_synonym OBI:0002824 IAO:0000118 surface wipe
37 WARN duplicate_label_synonym OBI:0002937 IAO:0000118 outlet window trap
38 WARN duplicate_label_synonym OBI:0002988 IAO:0000118 specimen collection duration
39 WARN duplicate_label_synonym OBI:0200082 IAO:0000118 longitudinal data analysis@en
40 WARN duplicate_label_synonym OBI:0400121 IAO:0000118 molecular crosslinker
41 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000023 OBI:0000312 OBI:0000663
42 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000070 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000441
43 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000094 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000456
44 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000274 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000434
45 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000451 OBI:0000312 OBI:0200169
46 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000457 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000458
47 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000648 OBI:0000312 OBI:0200175
48 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000649 OBI:0000312 OBI:0200184
49 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000650 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200031
50 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000652 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000686
51 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000656 OBI:0000312 OBI:0200072
52 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000660 OBI:0000312 OBI:0000666
53 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000662 OBI:0000312 OBI:0000668
54 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000668 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200186
55 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000673 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000675
56 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000674 OBI:0000312 OBI:0200181
57 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000676 OBI:0000312 OBI:0200182
58 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000679 OBI:0000312 OBI:0200170
59 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000707 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000704
60 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000792 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200188
61 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000838 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000806
62 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000925 RO:0000053 OBI:1110093
63 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0000939 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000962
64 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0001425 BFO:0000051 OBI:0001398
65 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0001505 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000796
66 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0001834 OBI:0000299 IAO:0000144
67 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200000 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200166
68 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200073 OBI:0000299 OBI:0001265
69 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200085 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200197
70 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200086 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200180
71 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200089 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000791
72 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200163 OBI:0000299 OBI:0001442
73 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200171 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200172
74 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200185 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200183
75 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200187 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200081
76 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0200194 OBI:0000417 OBI:0200083
77 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0302846 OBI:0000312 OBI:0302900
78 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0302867 OBI:0000312 OBI:0302910
79 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0302868 OBI:0000312 OBI:0200029
80 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:0600014 OBI:0000417 OBI:0000639
81 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:1110001 RO:0000053 OBI:1110045
82 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:1110008 BFO:0000055 OBI:1110040
83 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:1110012 BFO:0000055 OBI:1110049
84 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:1110023 RO:0000087 OBI:1110082
85 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:1110034 RO:0000087 OBI:0000237
86 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:1110108 RO:0000087 OBI:0000319
87 WARN equivalent_class_axiom_no_genus OBI:1110109 RO:0000087 OBI:0000444
88 WARN missing_definition OBI:0003647 IAO:0000115
89 WARN missing_definition OBI:0003648 IAO:0000115
90 WARN missing_definition OBI:0003649 IAO:0000115
91 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000006 IAO:0000115 the role of a human being that is realized by enforcing regulations to ensure consumer safety@en
92 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000014 IAO:0000115 a regulatory role involved with making and/or enforcing relevant legislation and governmental orders@en
93 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000017 IAO:0000115 a role which inheres in material entities and is realized in the processes of making, enforcing or being defined by legislation or orders issued by a governmental body.@en
94 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000018 IAO:0000115 a role realized through the process of supplying materials such as animal subjects, reagents or other materials used in an investigation.@en
95 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000020 IAO:0000115 a worker role of carrying out the study according to the protocol document or study plan delivered by the PI, under the control of the study director. This role cannot make decisions about the study execution@en
96 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000025 IAO:0000115 a role inhering in a material entity that is realized when characteristics or responses elicited by the substance are used for comparison or reference.@en
97 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000029 IAO:0000115 pellet role is a role which inheres in a material entity and is realized by a material separation process using gravitational force generated by a centrifuge in which the material bearing the pellet role is the heavier or heaviest component of the output material..@en
98 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000032 IAO:0000115 a worker role comprised of handling the administrative duties of a trial or study.@en
99 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000034 IAO:0000115 supernatant role is a role which inheres in a material entity and is realized by a material separation process using gravitational force in which the material bearing the supernatant role is the liquid component of the output material.@en
100 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000040 IAO:0000115 a role borne by a molecular entity and is realized in a process of absorption by an organism alters, or effects (or is assumed to effect) a function(s) which inhere in an organism@en
101 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000043 IAO:0000115 is the transplantation of living cells, tissues or \norgans from one species to another such as from pigs to humans@en
102 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000057 IAO:0000115 is the transplantation of organs between members of the same species.@en
103 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000060 IAO:0000115 a responsible party involved in planning, overseeing the conduct of a study or study component, and interpreting data from a study@en
104 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000064 IAO:0000115 a reference role in which the characteristics or responses elicited by the substance playing the reference substance role are used to establish a \"100%\" response@en
105 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000065 IAO:0000115 triton X100 is a chemical entity which belongs to the group of The pluronics which are triblock copolymers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide. Triton x-100 is_used_as detergent due to its non-ionic surfactant properties@en
106 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000066 IAO:0000115 a planned process that consists of parts: planning, study design execution, documentation and which produce conclusion(s).@en
107 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000067 IAO:0000115 a role that inheres in a material entity that is realized in an assay in which data is generated about the bearer of the evaluant role@en
108 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000068 IAO:0000115 a study personnel role played by a party who reports the outcome of a study component@en
109 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000075 IAO:0000115 diagnosis is an assessment of a disease or injury, its likely prognosis and treatment.@en
110 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000076 IAO:0000115 a process which is external in origin to the investigation that has an impact on the outcome.@en
111 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000079 IAO:0000115 a processed material that provides the needed nourishment for microorganisms or cells grown in vitro.@en
112 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000089 IAO:0000115 a regulator involved with making and enforcing legislation and governmental orders relevant to chemical manufacture@en
113 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000091 IAO:0000115 a role which inheres in a molecular entity and is realized by the process of recording or registering a stimulus.@en
114 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000092 IAO:0000115 a role of which inheres in a Homo sapiens and realized during administration and oversight of the daily activities of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) in the USA@en
115 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000093 IAO:0000115 a role which inheres in a person and is realized by the process of being under the care of a physician or health care provider@en
116 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000102 IAO:0000115 a study personnel role played by a party who is accountable for the execution of a study component and can make decisions about the conduct of the study@en
117 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000103 IAO:0000115 a responsible party role played by a person responsible for the overall conduct of a study@en
118 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000105 IAO:0000115 a protocol application to replace an organ or tissue of an organism@en
119 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000109 IAO:0000115 a biological vector role is a material to be added role that is realized by the process of transmitting material to the organism that is the target of the transmission.@en
120 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000110 IAO:0000115 the role of a dye that is realized when the dye is used in an experiment to measure the pH in a material entity@en
121 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000116 IAO:0000115 a personnel role played by a party who executes a component of the study plan; this can occur before, during, after or outside the study timeline@en
122 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000143 IAO:0000115 a reference participant role which is realized by making the reference to qualities at the start of the study or intervention@en
123 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000144 IAO:0000115 a trial monitor role charged recommending whether to continue, modify, or end the trial@en
124 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000145 IAO:0000115 a worker role of being responsible for making the histopathology diagnoses associated with data from a study; this activity occurs outside the study timeline@en
125 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000154 IAO:0000115 the role of a organization that is realized by members reviewing study designs for their agreement with regulations@en
126 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000158 IAO:0000115 an eSource document is a digital document consisting of a logical collection of Source data and other eSource documents that can be presented in an ordered way and capture the time of completion, change, and any signatures@en
127 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000161 IAO:0000115 a role realized when a participant serves as reference to itself@en
128 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000163 IAO:0000115 a molecular label role which inheres in a material entity which is realized by the process of radioactivity detection@en
129 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000169 IAO:0000115 a negative reference substance is a reference role in which the substance playing the reference substance role is physically similar in appearance to the test substance@en
130 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000171 IAO:0000115 is the transplantation of tissue from one part of \nthe body to another in the same individual. )@en
131 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000174 IAO:0000115 a study population role where the bearer is a population of material entities and the role is realized in the implementation of a study design wherein the entities bearing the study population role are observed or subjected to intervention according to the study design and are biological replicates, i.e. they receive the same treatment under the protocol@en
132 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000181 IAO:0000115 a population is a collection of individuals from the same taxonomic class living, counted or sampled at a particular site or in a particular area@en
133 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000188 IAO:0000115 a worker role comprised of providing a confirmed and consensus diagnosis for histopathology results obtained during the investigation@en
134 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000196 IAO:0000115 a role which inheres in a Homo sapiens and is realized during a clinical trial - the impartial witness is independent of the trial and cannot be unfairly influenced by people involved with the trial@en
135 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000198 IAO:0000115 a reference participant role realized by equivalent treatment of participants@en
136 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000204 IAO:0000115 a role that inheres in a material entity and is realized in the use of that material entity by an organism when it is used in that organism's metabolism and provides nourishment.@en
137 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000207 IAO:0000115 a worker role of providing medical care either within or outside the study timeline@en
138 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000214 IAO:0000115 a reference role in which the characteristics or responses elicited by the substance playing the reference substance role are used to establish a \"no effect\" response@en
139 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000215 IAO:0000115 a role which inheres in a human or organization who are able subject to applicable law to consent, on behalf of a prospective subject, to the subject`s participation in as clinical trial.@en
140 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000220 IAO:0000115 a reference subject role which inheres in an organism or entity of organismal origin so that the characteristics or responses of the participant playing the reference participant role are used for comparison or reference@en
141 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000224 IAO:0000115 a worker role authorized to make study-related decisions and carry out tasks related to the study; this role occurs during the study timeline@en
142 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000227 IAO:0000115 a documenting process to encode an information entity into a digital document@en
143 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000231 IAO:0000115 a material processing that digests the fraction of input material that is susceptible to that enzyme@en
144 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000234 IAO:0000115 a worker role that analyzes data obtained during a trial or study; this role occurs after the trial or study is completed or terminated.@en
145 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000243 IAO:0000115 a responsible party role involved with any of the following activities: initiating, managing and funding a study@en
146 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000248 IAO:0000115 a role that inheres in a material entity and is realized in the use of that material entity by lab animal to provide all needed nourishment.@en
147 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000249 IAO:0000115 technical replicate role is realized when two portions from one evaluant are used in replicate runs of an assay@en
148 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000252 IAO:0000115 a cohort role is a biological replicate role played by a group of study participants who share a common characteristic of interest to the study.@en
149 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000273 IAO:0000115 a regulator involved with making and enforcing legislation and governmental orders relevant to the development, testing, manufacture and use of food, drugs and medical devices@en
150 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000274 IAO:0000115 is a process with the objective to place a material entity bearing the 'material to be added role' into a material bearing the 'target of material addition role'.@en
151 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000278 IAO:0000115 a part of an occurrence of a disease process which is associated with position in the normal progression of the disease@en
152 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000281 IAO:0000115 is the injection of a material entity (bearing the administered substance role) into the peritoneum (bearing the target role) of an organism using a syringe@en
153 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000286 IAO:0000115 a precipitate is a material entity which is output of a precipitation process@en
154 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000292 IAO:0000115 has_feature_value datatype property is used to describe the feature values which the feature class can contain, for example has_base can have feature values of nonNegativeInteger values.@en
155 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000296 IAO:0000115 enrollment is a process of identifying a set of objects for further use in an investigation based on a set of criteria or rules@en
156 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000304 IAO:0000115 c is_manufactured_by o means that there was a process p in which c was built in which a person, or set of people or machines did the work(bore the \"Manufacturer Role\", and those people/and or machines were members or of directed by the organization to do this.@en
157 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000310 IAO:0000115 revisit?@en
158 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000318 IAO:0000115 a eluate is a material entity which results from an elution, e.g. from a chromatography column. it has as part a material entity with role mobile phase@en
159 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000323 IAO:0000115 is the serous membrane that forms the lining of the abdominal cavity@en
160 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000325 IAO:0000115 zip is a format standard of a digital entity that is conformant with the PKWARE .ZIP file format specification (
161 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000326 IAO:0000115 tar is a format standard of a digital entity that is conformant with the tape archive file format as standardized by POSIX.1-1998, POSIX.1-2001, or any other tar format compliant with the GNU tar specification. (
162 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000339 IAO:0000115 a process of creating or modifying a plan specification@en
163 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000341 IAO:0000115 histological sample preparation is the preparation of an input tissue via slicing and labeling to make tissue microstructure of interest visible in a future histology assay@en
164 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000343 IAO:0000115 a interpreting data that is used to ascribe properties or relations to types based on an observation instance (i.e., on a number of observations or experiences); or to formulate laws based on limited observations of recurring phenomenal patterns.@en
165 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000355 IAO:0000115 is an investigation with the goal to test one or more hypothesis@en
166 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000356 IAO:0000115 is an investigation in which data is generated and analyzed with the purpose of generating new hypothesis@en
167 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000373 IAO:0000115 a physical process of converting an atom or molecule into an ion by adding or removing charged particles such as electrons or other ions. This excludes chemical processes of dissociation.@en
168 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000405 IAO:0000115 a complementary nucleotide probe role which inheres in nucleic acid molecular entity and is realized by the use of the entity bearing the role to initiate chain elongation.@en
169 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000406 IAO:0000115 is double stranded DNA that is the specified output of a polymerase chain reaction@en
170 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000409 IAO:0000115 a reference substance role which inheres in nucleic acid material entity and is realized in the process of using the nucleic acid bearing the template role as a reference during synthesis of a reverse copy.@en
171 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000410 IAO:0000115 a plasmid in which extraneous DNA has been inserted.@en
172 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000413 IAO:0000115 a process with the objective to obtain a cell culture in which all cells are in the same stage of the cell cycle@en
173 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000416 IAO:0000115 cloning insert role is a role which inheres in DNA or RNA and is realized by the process of being inserted into a cloning vector in a cloning process.@en
174 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000419 IAO:0000115 enzyme and has_function some GO:0003964 (RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity)@en
175 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000423 IAO:0000115 an extract is a material entity which results from an extraction process@en
176 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000426 IAO:0000115 injection is process which aims at introducing a compound or a mixture into a material entity (either biological entity or instrument) by relying on devices such as syringe or injector connection, attached or forced into a vascular system (veins of an organism or tubes of a machine) or in a tissue.@en
177 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000427 IAO:0000115 (protein or rna) or has_part (protein or rna) and has_function some GO:0003824 (catalytic activity)@en
178 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000430 IAO:0000115 plasmid = DNA and has_quality circular and has_function (is_realized_as some gene expression) GO:0010467@en
179 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000432 IAO:0000115 a material entity resulting from the polymerization of acrylamide with TEMED in some buffer solution@en
180 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000434 IAO:0000115 is the specification of an objective to add a material into a target material. The adding is asymmetric in the sense that the target material largely retains its identity@en
181 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000437 IAO:0000115 an assay objective to determine the presence or concentration of an analyte in the evaluant@en
182 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000439 IAO:0000115 a material entity resulting from the polymerization of agarose after heating agarose suspended in some buffer solution@en
183 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000441 IAO:0000115 an objective specification to determine a specified type of information about an evaluated entity (the material entity bearing evaluant role)@en
184 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000446 IAO:0000115 a process by which the identity (what a thing is) of a material entity is established within a certain confidence interval@en
185 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000456 IAO:0000115 an objective specifiction that creates an specific output object from input materials.@en
186 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000458 IAO:0000115 is the objective to manufacture a material of a certain function (device)@en
187 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000471 IAO:0000115 a planned process that carries out a study design@en
188 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000512 IAO:0000115 a process in which a population of cells with certain characteristics is isolated from a larger population@en
189 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000540 IAO:0000115 a material separation process in which cells that stick to the container in which they are grown as a cell culture are separated from those in the liquid component of the culture. The output of this process are adherent cells.@en
190 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000548 IAO:0000115 a process in which cells with a single nucleus are isolated from a blood sample@en
191 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000552 IAO:0000115 reverse transcribe pcr is a process which allow amplification of cDNA during a pcr reaction while the cDNA results from a retrotranscription of messenger RNA isolated from a material entity.@en
192 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000576 IAO:0000115 a material entity that consists of all the molecules of a specific type that are located in some bounded region and which is part of a more massive material entity that has parts that are other such aggregates@en
193 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000639 IAO:0000115 is an objective to transform a material entity into spatially separated components.@en
194 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000643 IAO:0000115 the relation of the cells in the finger of the skin to the finger, in which an indeterminate number of grains are parts of the whole by virtue of being grains in a collective that is part of the whole, and in which removing one granular part does not nec- essarily damage or diminish the whole. Ontological Whether there is a fixed, or nearly fixed number of parts - e.g. fingers of the hand, chambers of the heart, or wheels of a car - such that there can be a notion of a single one being missing, or whether, by contrast, the number of parts is indeterminate - e.g., cells in the skin of the hand, red cells in blood, or rubber molecules in the tread of the tire of the wheel of the car.@en
195 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000651 IAO:0000115 a portion of urine collected from an organism@en
196 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000652 IAO:0000115 is a material processing with the objective to combine two or more material entities as input into a single material entity as output.@en
197 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000654 IAO:0000115 a quality inheres_in some device and is concretization of some (device_setting_specification and is_about a quality of the device@en
198 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000655 IAO:0000115 a material entity derived from a portion of blood collected from an organism@en
199 INFO lowercase_definition OBI:0000671 IAO:0000115 a material obtained from an organism in order to be a representative of the whole@en