ROBOT Report - omo

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Row Level Rule Name Subject Property Value
0 WARN annotation_whitespace IAO:0000424 IAO:0000112 ObjectProperty: RO_0002104 Label: has plasma membrane part Annotations: IAO_0000424 \" some ( and some ?Y)\" @en
1 WARN annotation_whitespace IAO:0000425 IAO:0000112 ObjectProperty: RO??? Label: spatially disjoint from Annotations: expand_assertion_to \"DisjointClasses: ( some ?X) ( some ?Y)\" @en
2 WARN annotation_whitespace IAO:0000597 IAO:0000112 Datatype: idrange:1 Annotations: 'has ID range allocated to': \"Chris Mungall\" EquivalentTo: xsd:integer[> 2151 , <= 2300] @en
3 WARN annotation_whitespace OMO:0001002 IAO:0000116 This obsolesence reason should be used conservatively. For example: Obsoleting class that describes a breed of cow based on a record in an existing database, that was later retracted as faulty (breed does not exist). Do not use this term to obsolete a historic concept (that was once valid, but not anymore). @en
4 WARN missing_definition IAO:0000027 IAO:0000115
5 WARN missing_definition IAO:0000030 IAO:0000115
6 WARN missing_definition IAO:0000114 IAO:0000115
7 WARN missing_definition IAO:0000426 IAO:0000115
8 WARN missing_definition IAO:8000000 IAO:0000115
9 WARN missing_definition IAO:8000016 IAO:0000115
10 WARN missing_definition IAO:8000017 IAO:0000115
11 WARN missing_definition IAO:8000019 IAO:0000115
12 WARN missing_definition IAO:8000020 IAO:0000115
13 INFO missing_superclass IAO:0000030 rdfs:subClassOf