ROBOT Report - poro

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Row Level Rule Name Subject Property Value
0 ERROR duplicate_definition PORO:0000172 IAO:0000115 Adjective referring to the extremities of megascleres. See OXEA.
1 ERROR duplicate_definition PORO:0000230 IAO:0000115 Adjective referring to the extremities of megascleres. See OXEA.
2 ERROR duplicate_definition PORO:0000293 IAO:0000115 Adjective referring to the extremities of megascleres. See OXEA.
3 ERROR duplicate_definition PORO:0000577 IAO:0000115 Adjective referring to the extremities of megascleres. See OXEA.
4 ERROR duplicate_definition PORO:0000154 IAO:0000115 Adjective referring to the extremities of a megasclere. See OXEA.
5 ERROR duplicate_definition PORO:0000556 IAO:0000115 Adjective referring to the extremities of a megasclere. See OXEA.
6 ERROR missing_ontology_license dc:license
7 ERROR multiple_definitions PORO:0000017 IAO:0000115
8 ERROR multiple_definitions PORO:0000017 IAO:0000115 siliceous or calcareous entities that form the mineral skeleton of a sponge
9 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000000 IAO:0000115
10 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000006 IAO:0000115
11 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000010 IAO:0000115
12 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000012 IAO:0000115
13 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000022 IAO:0000115
14 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000031 IAO:0000115
15 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000032 IAO:0000115
16 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000033 IAO:0000115
17 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000035 IAO:0000115
18 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000038 IAO:0000115
19 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000039 IAO:0000115
20 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000041 IAO:0000115
21 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000045 IAO:0000115
22 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000047 IAO:0000115
23 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000094 IAO:0000115
24 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000095 IAO:0000115
25 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000096 IAO:0000115
26 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000700 IAO:0000115
27 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000701 IAO:0000115
28 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000702 IAO:0000115
29 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000703 IAO:0000115
30 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000704 IAO:0000115
31 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000705 IAO:0000115
32 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000706 IAO:0000115
33 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000707 IAO:0000115
34 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000708 IAO:0000115
35 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000709 IAO:0000115
36 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000900 IAO:0000115
37 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000901 IAO:0000115
38 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000904 IAO:0000115
39 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000905 IAO:0000115
40 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000906 IAO:0000115
41 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000907 IAO:0000115
42 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000908 IAO:0000115
43 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000909 IAO:0000115
44 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000910 IAO:0000115
45 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000911 IAO:0000115
46 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000912 IAO:0000115
47 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000914 IAO:0000115
48 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000915 IAO:0000115
49 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000917 IAO:0000115
50 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000918 IAO:0000115
51 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000919 IAO:0000115
52 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000920 IAO:0000115
53 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000921 IAO:0000115
54 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000922 IAO:0000115
55 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000923 IAO:0000115
56 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000924 IAO:0000115
57 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000926 IAO:0000115
58 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000927 IAO:0000115
59 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000928 IAO:0000115
60 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000929 IAO:0000115
61 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000930 IAO:0000115
62 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000931 IAO:0000115
63 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000932 IAO:0000115
64 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000933 IAO:0000115
65 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000934 IAO:0000115
66 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000935 IAO:0000115
67 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000936 IAO:0000115
68 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000937 IAO:0000115
69 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000938 IAO:0000115
70 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000940 IAO:0000115
71 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000941 IAO:0000115
72 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000942 IAO:0000115
73 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000943 IAO:0000115
74 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000944 IAO:0000115
75 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000945 IAO:0000115
76 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000946 IAO:0000115
77 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000947 IAO:0000115
78 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000951 IAO:0000115
79 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000959 IAO:0000115
80 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000963 IAO:0000115
81 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000991 IAO:0000115
82 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000995 IAO:0000115
83 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000997 IAO:0000115
84 WARN missing_definition PORO:0000998 IAO:0000115
85 WARN missing_definition PORO:0002002 IAO:0000115
86 WARN missing_definition PORO:0002004 IAO:0000115
87 WARN missing_definition PORO:0002005 IAO:0000115
88 WARN missing_definition PORO:0002027 IAO:0000115
89 WARN missing_definition PORO:0002028 IAO:0000115
90 WARN missing_definition PORO:0002035 IAO:0000115
91 WARN missing_definition PORO:0002042 IAO:0000115
92 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000113 rdfs:label amorphous
93 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000125 rdfs:label aniso-
94 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000128 rdfs:label anomoclone
95 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000131 rdfs:label antho-
96 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000132 rdfs:label anthosigma
97 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000139 rdfs:label apopore
98 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000171 rdfs:label blastula
99 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000219 rdfs:label coenosteum
100 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000226 rdfs:label comma
101 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000232 rdfs:label corallite (= calyx)
102 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000240 rdfs:label cri-
103 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000248 rdfs:label dendritic
104 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000251 rdfs:label dendroreticulate fiber skeleton
105 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000270 rdfs:label discaster
106 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000315 rdfs:label flagellated chamber
107 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000359 rdfs:label intracellular pore
108 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000362 rdfs:label iso-
109 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000375 rdfs:label lipo-
110 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000379 rdfs:label lobodigitate
111 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000397 rdfs:label micro-
112 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000432 rdfs:label oxy-
113 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000438 rdfs:label palmodigitate
114 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000492 rdfs:label pycnaster
115 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000558 rdfs:label sterrospheraster
116 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000570 rdfs:label subdermal spicule
117 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000571 rdfs:label subgastral spicule
118 WARN missing_obsolete_label PORO:0000626 rdfs:label vallate
119 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000005 IAO:0000115 amoeba-like cells that move slowly through the mesohyl and secrete collagen fibres.
120 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000009 IAO:0000115 anterior ciliated cell of the sponge larva that will differentiate into a choanocyte or spicule-forming cell
121 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000011 IAO:0000115 spicule secreting cells, found in sponges. They secrete calcareous or siliceous spicules which are found in the mesohyl layer of sponges. The sclerocytes produce spicules via formation of a cellular triad
122 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000014 IAO:0000115 conduct signals and cause parts of the animal to contract. They are assumed to regulate the flow of water by increasing or decreasing the diameter of these openings to the aquiferous system.
123 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000015 IAO:0000115 cells that acts as sponges' equivalent of an immune system.
124 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000016 IAO:0000115 amoeba-like large cells with large nuclei that are totipotent. They also have important roles in feeding and in clearing debris that block the ostia.
125 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000017 IAO:0000115
126 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000017 IAO:0000115 siliceous or calcareous entities that form the mineral skeleton of a sponge
127 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000018 IAO:0000115 an excretory structure in the living sponge, a large opening to the outside through which the current of water exits after passing through the spongocoel. Wastes diffuse into the water and the water exits through the osculum at a velocity of nearly 8.4 cm/second, carrying away with it the sponge's wastes. The size of the osculum is regulated by the myocyte. Its size, in turn, determines the amount of water flowing through the sponge.
128 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000020 IAO:0000115 large, central cavity of sponges. Water enters the spongocoel through hundreds of tiny pores (Ostia) and exits through the larger opening (osculum). Depending on the body plan of the sponge (which can be asconoid, syconoid, or leuconoid), the spongocoel could be a simple interior space of the sponge or a complexly branched inner structure. Regardless of body plan or class, the spongocoel is lined with choanocytes, which have flagella that push water through the spongocoel, creating a current.
129 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000023 IAO:0000115 flat cells found on the outermost layer of sponges. They can expand and contract to slightly alter the size of the sponge, and can also produce collagen. Delimits the sponge from the external milieu and always only in a layer one-cell deep
130 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000024 IAO:0000115 a pore through which water is drawn from the outside into one of the saclike chambers formed by the evagination of the body wall.
131 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000044 IAO:0000115 cell that surrounds a pore (ostium). In an asconoid sponge, water enters the sponge through the porocytes, passes directly to the choanocyte-lined spongocoel, and then out of the sponge through the osculum.
132 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000046 IAO:0000115 a pore in each of the saclike chambers formed by the evagination of the body wall, through which water passes into the excurrent canals.
133 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000902 IAO:0000115 stellate spicule where where 1-6 primary rays undergo terminal branching to form secondary rays (differs from definition used for desmosponges)
134 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000954 IAO:0000115 microsclere with both ends blunted[WP]
135 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000960 IAO:0000115 enzyme which catalyzes the formation of silicate polymers
136 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0000961 IAO:0000115 enzyme in sponges, proposed to be involved in silica restructuring and maintece. The proposed mechanism involves bound zinc acting as a Lewis acid catalyst to break the silicate ester bond between silicon and oxygen
137 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0002001 IAO:0000115 has spines; applies only to spicules
138 INFO lowercase_definition PORO:0002038 IAO:0000115 number of size categories