ROBOT Report - ppo

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Row Level Rule Name Subject Property Value
0 ERROR deprecated_boolean_datatype PPO:0000015 owl:deprecated TRUE
1 ERROR deprecated_boolean_datatype PPO:0001053 owl:deprecated TRUE
2 ERROR deprecated_boolean_datatype PPO:0007000 owl:deprecated TRUE
3 ERROR deprecated_boolean_datatype PPO:0007001 owl:deprecated TRUE
4 ERROR deprecated_boolean_datatype PPO:0007002 owl:deprecated TRUE
5 ERROR deprecated_boolean_datatype PPO:0007003 owl:deprecated TRUE
6 WARN annotation_whitespace PPO:0002060 IAO:0000115 A plant phenological trait that is measured by the number of a whole plant's ripe seed cones that have been abscised or removed by an herbivore and/or the number of ripe seed cones on a whole plant that have abscised at least one mature seed.
7 WARN missing_definition PPO:0000009 IAO:0000115
8 WARN missing_definition PPO:0000010 IAO:0000115
9 WARN missing_definition PPO:0000011 IAO:0000115
10 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001000 IAO:0000115
11 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001001 IAO:0000115
12 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001002 IAO:0000115
13 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001004 IAO:0000115
14 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001005 IAO:0000115
15 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001006 IAO:0000115
16 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001007 IAO:0000115
17 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001008 IAO:0000115
18 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001025 IAO:0000115
19 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001026 IAO:0000115
20 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001027 IAO:0000115
21 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001028 IAO:0000115
22 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001029 IAO:0000115
23 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001041 IAO:0000115
24 WARN missing_definition PPO:0001042 IAO:0000115
25 WARN missing_definition PPO:0007003 IAO:0000115
26 INFO lowercase_definition PPO:0002060 IAO:0000115 A plant phenological trait that is measured by the number of a whole plant's ripe seed cones that have been abscised or removed by an herbivore and/or the number of ripe seed cones on a whole plant that have abscised at least one mature seed.
27 INFO missing_superclass PPO:0001025 rdfs:subClassOf
28 INFO missing_superclass PPO:0001042 rdfs:subClassOf
29 INFO missing_superclass PPO:0007000 rdfs:subClassOf
30 INFO missing_superclass PPO:0007001 rdfs:subClassOf
31 INFO missing_superclass PPO:0007002 rdfs:subClassOf
32 INFO missing_superclass PPO:0007003 rdfs:subClassOf