ROBOT Report - bspo

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Row Level Rule Name Subject Property Value
0 ERROR duplicate_definition BSPO:0015004 IAO:0000115 A relation between an axis and a part of an organism, in which the part defines the initial point of the axis.
1 ERROR duplicate_definition BSPO:0020002 IAO:0000115 A relation between an axis and a part of an organism, in which the part defines the initial point of the axis.
2 ERROR multiple_labels BSPO:0000115 rdfs:label X medial to y if x is closer to the midsagittal plane than y.@en
3 ERROR multiple_labels BSPO:0000115 rdfs:label medial to@en
4 WARN annotation_whitespace BSPO:0000026 oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym anterodorsal region
5 WARN annotation_whitespace BSPO:0000027 oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym anteroventral region
6 WARN annotation_whitespace BSPO:0001001 oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym proximal-distal axis
7 WARN duplicate_label_synonym BSPO:0000048 oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym dorso-medial margin
8 WARN invalid_xref BSPO:0020002 oboInOwl:hasDbXref :has_start_point
9 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000001 IAO:0000115
10 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000002 IAO:0000115
11 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000003 IAO:0000115
12 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000004 IAO:0000115
13 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000031 IAO:0000115
14 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000032 IAO:0000115
15 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000036 IAO:0000115
16 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000037 IAO:0000115
17 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000038 IAO:0000115
18 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000039 IAO:0000115
19 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000040 IAO:0000115
20 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000041 IAO:0000115
21 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000043 IAO:0000115
22 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000044 IAO:0000115
23 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000061 IAO:0000115
24 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000066 IAO:0000115
25 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000067 IAO:0000115
26 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000076 IAO:0000115
27 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000081 IAO:0000115
28 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000086 IAO:0000115
29 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000087 IAO:0000115
30 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000088 IAO:0000115
31 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000089 IAO:0000115
32 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000090 IAO:0000115
33 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000091 IAO:0000115
34 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000092 IAO:0000115
35 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000093 IAO:0000115
36 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000094 IAO:0000115
37 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000103 IAO:0000115
38 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000115 IAO:0000115
39 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000128 IAO:0000115
40 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000129 IAO:0000115
41 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000130 IAO:0000115
42 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0000376 IAO:0000115
43 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0001113 IAO:0000115
44 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0001115 IAO:0000115
45 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0015001 IAO:0000115
46 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0015002 IAO:0000115
47 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0015003 IAO:0000115
48 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0015007 IAO:0000115
49 WARN missing_definition BSPO:0015008 IAO:0000115
50 WARN missing_definition obo:bspo#human IAO:0000115
51 WARN missing_definition obo:bspo#vertebrate IAO:0000115
52 WARN missing_obsolete_label BSPO:00000021 rdfs:label deep-superficial gradient (obsolete)
53 WARN missing_obsolete_label BSPO:0000095 rdfs:label anatomical relation
54 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0000096 IAO:0000115 x anterior to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the head. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that extends through an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail.
55 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0000097 IAO:0000115 x distal to y iff x is further along the proximo-distal axis than y, towards the appendage tip. A proximo-distal axis extends from tip of an appendage (distal) to where it joins the body (proximal).
56 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0000098 IAO:0000115 x dorsal to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the back. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that extends through an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly).
57 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0000099 IAO:0000115 x posterior to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the body/tail. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that extends through an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail.
58 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0000100 IAO:0000115 x proximal to y iff x is closer to the point of attachment with the body than y.
59 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0000102 IAO:0000115 x ventral to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the front. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that extends through an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly).
60 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0000124 IAO:0000115 x in proximal side of y <=> if y is subdivided into two proximal and distal portions, y is part of the proximal portion.
61 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0000125 IAO:0000115 x in distal side of y <=> if y is subdivided into two proximal and distal portions, y is part of the distal portion.
62 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0001102 IAO:0000115 x is parallel t y iff x and y are lines or planes which when extended indefinitely do not cross.
63 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0001107 IAO:0000115 x immediately deep to y iff x deep_to y and x is contiguous with y.
64 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0001114 IAO:0000115 x preaxial to y iff x is further along the preaxial-postaxial axis than y, towards the postaxial side.
65 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015005 IAO:0000115 crossing at right angles
66 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015009 IAO:0000115 x immediately anterior to y iff x anterior to y and x is contiguous with y.
67 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015010 IAO:0000115 x immediately distal to y iff x distal to y and x is contiguous with y.
68 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015011 IAO:0000115 x immediately dorsal to y iff x dorsal to y and x is contiguous with y.
69 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015012 IAO:0000115 x immediately posterior to y iff x posterior_to y and x is contiguous with y.
70 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015013 IAO:0000115 x immediately proximal to y iff x proximal to y and x is contiguous with y.
71 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015014 IAO:0000115 x immediately superficial to y iff x superficial to y and x is contiguous with y.
72 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015015 IAO:0000115 x immediately ventral to y iff x ventral to y and x is contiguous with y.
73 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015016 IAO:0000115 x immediately left of y iff x left_of y and x is contiguous with y.
74 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015017 IAO:0000115 x immediately right of y iff x right of y and x is contiguous with y.
75 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015201 IAO:0000115 nearer to the oral opening of the organism, on the oral-aboral axis.
76 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0015202 IAO:0000115 nearer to the aboral opening of the organism, on the oral-aboral axis.
77 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0030003 IAO:0000115 x dorsalmost_part_of y iff x part_of y and there is no z which is part_of y and is more dorsal than x but not part_of x; x is adjacent to the dorsal boundary of y
78 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0030004 IAO:0000115 x anteriormost_part_of y iff x part_of y and there is no z which is part_of y and is more anterior than x but not part_of x; x is adjacent to the anterior boundary of y
79 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0030005 IAO:0000115 x lateralmost_part_of y iff x part_of y and there is no z which is part_of y and is more lateral than x but not part_of x; x is adjacent to the lateral boundary of y
80 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:0030007 IAO:0000115 x medialmost_part_of y iff x part_of y and there is no z which is part_of y and is more medial than x but not part_of x; x is adjacent to the medial boundary of y
81 INFO lowercase_definition BSPO:1000000 IAO:0000115 x preaxial to y iff x is further along the preaxial-postaxial axis than y, towards the front.
82 INFO missing_superclass BSPO:0000417 rdfs:subClassOf