Dashboard Report - genepio

Version: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/genepio/releases/2023-08-19/genepio.owl

Date run: 2024-06-27 12:28:21.433527

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Error Breakdown

ERROR - 5 errors

Principle Automated Check Status Comment Resources
Open Open Automated Check
Common Format Common Format Automated Check
URIs URIs Automated Check
Versioning Versioning Automated Check Version IRI does not resolve
Scope Scope Automated Check
Textual Definitions Textual Definitions Automated Check 76 duplicate definitions. 6 multiple definitions. 381 missing definitions. See ROBOT Report for details.
Relations Relations Automated Check 1 non-RO properties used. View Relations Report
Documented Documented Automated Check
Plurality of Users Plurality of Users Automated Check Missing usages
Locus of Authority Locus of Authority Automated Check
Naming Conventions Naming Conventions Automated Check 8 duplicate labels. 16 multiple labels. 13 missing labels. See ROBOT Report for details.
Maintenance Maintenance Automated Check
Responsiveness Responsiveness Automated Check

ROBOT Report Summary

Check Status Comment Resources
ROBOT Report 123 errors, 2020 warnings, 59 info messages. View ROBOT Report

Ontology metrics

Metric Values
Axioms: Breakdown of axiom types
  • AnnotationAssertion: 42926
  • AsymmetricObjectProperty: 3
  • ClassAssertion: 240
  • DataPropertyDomain: 4
  • DataPropertyRange: 17
  • Declaration: 8334
  • DifferentIndividuals: 1
  • DisjointClasses: 32
  • EquivalentClasses: 20
  • FunctionalObjectProperty: 1
  • InverseObjectProperties: 9
  • IrrefexiveObjectProperty: 3
  • ObjectPropertyAssertion: 780
  • ObjectPropertyDomain: 1
  • ObjectPropertyRange: 3
  • SubAnnotationPropertyOf: 7
  • SubClassOf: 8749
  • SubDataPropertyOf: 26
  • SubObjectPropertyOf: 16
  • SubPropertyChainOf: 9
  • SymmetricObjectProperty: 1
  • TransitiveObjectProperty: 10
Axioms: Number of axioms 61192
Entities: % of entities reused 78.86
Entities: Number of annotation properties 71
Entities: Number of classes 7208
Entities: Number of data properties 29
Entities: Number of individuals 958
Entities: Number of object properties 64
Entities: Number of unsatisfiable classes 0
Info: Breakdown of OWL class expressions used
  • Class: 25104
  • DataAllValuesFrom: 5
  • DataExactCardinality: 5
  • DataHasValue: 1
  • DataMaxCardinality: 1
  • DataSomeValuesFrom: 19
  • ObjectAllValuesFrom: 1
  • ObjectExactCardinality: 30
  • ObjectHasValue: 1
  • ObjectIntersectionOf: 27
  • ObjectMaxCardinality: 15
  • ObjectMinCardinality: 3
  • ObjectSomeValuesFrom: 251
  • ObjectUnionOf: 22
Info: Does the ontology fall under OWL 2 DL? False
Info: Experimental OBO score
  • _dashboard: 0.593
  • _formula: (1*impact+1*dashboard)/2
  • _impact: 0.027
  • _impact_external: 0
  • _reuse: 0.789
  • oboscore: 0.31
Info: How many externally documented uses? 0
Info: How many ontologies use it? 5
Info: Logical consistency True
Info: Syntax RDF/XML Syntax
Info: Usage of namespaces in axioms
  • APOLLO_SV: 128
  • ARO: 173
  • BAO: 2
  • BFO: 354
  • BTO: 77
  • CARO: 48
  • CHEBI: 3002
  • CHMO: 29
  • CIDO: 16
  • CL: 13
  • CLO: 30
  • CVDO: 2
  • DOID: 1099
  • ECTO: 51
  • EFO: 209
  • ENVO: 1115
  • EO: 26
  • EPO: 3
  • ERO: 10
  • ExO: 25
  • FIX: 2
  • FLU: 2
  • FOODON: 2916
  • GAZ: 3173
  • GENEPIO: 5930
  • GEO: 6
  • GO: 45
  • GSSO: 35
  • HANCESTRO: 984
  • HP: 1289
  • IAO: 16809
  • ICO: 3
  • IDO: 112
  • MESH: 10
  • MI: 17
  • MMO: 8
  • MONDO: 530
  • MP: 48
  • MPATH: 13
  • NBO: 8
  • NCBITaxon: 385
  • NCIT: 1786
  • NCRO: 2
  • OAE: 2
  • OBA: 92
  • OBI: 918
  • OGMS: 21
  • OMIABIS: 2
  • OMIT: 43
  • OMP: 4
  • OMRSE: 45
  • PATO: 180
  • PCO: 35
  • PECO: 2
  • PO: 2
  • PR: 4
  • RBO: 7
  • RO: 989
  • SIO: 63
  • SO: 67
  • STATO: 174
  • SYMP: 12
  • TRANS: 25
  • UBERON: 2064
  • UO: 751
  • VO: 5
  • VT: 6
  • XCO: 3
  • dc: 2429
  • dc11: 5
  • foaf: 2
  • obo: 16
  • oboInOwl: 14766
  • owl: 182
  • prefix_unknown: 118
  • rdf: 49
  • rdfs: 8882
  • skos: 2
  • xsd: 58
Info: Which ontologies use it?
  • ado
  • foodon
  • hso
  • ngbo
  • ornaseq